Films (Español)
Films (Español)
Smart Agroforestry According to Ambroise N’Koh, Cote d’Ivoire: Champion farmer implementing Cocoa Agroforestry in Cote d’Ivoire.
6.45m (Original language French – with subtitles in Spanish)
Challenges of Cocoa Agroforestry in the Dominican Republic: The importance of Agroforestry and certification, working with smallholders.
15.29m (Original language Spanish)
Agroforestry Tradition and Innovation in Santander, Colombia: Cocoa Agroforestry design and valorization, working with smallholders.
10,10m (Original Spanish)
Cocoa, Forests & Peace in Caqueta (Amazonia), Colombia: The importance of having a holistic approach from research to access to market and MRV.
12.21 m (Original language Spanish)
Camaye Vert, an Agroforestry Pilot by the Farmers, Cote d’Ivoire: Example of cocoa Agroforestry at plot level.
9.29 m (Original language French – with subtitles in Spanish)
NAWA Project and La Mé (REDD+) projects: Landscape approach at the service of a sustainable cocoa, Cote d’Ivoire. Public-Private partnerships within REDD approach; Reforestation and Conservation, livelihoods.
20.31m(Original language French – with subtitles in Spanish)